Thursday, April 12, 2007

Let Your eBook Sell for You with a call to action

As per yesterdays post, I've updated my eBook with a call to action at the end. This is a critial point because without it I've left my readers hanging, and I want them to come back for more. If you want people to come back for more you have to tell them to do it (nicely).

The following is the final chapter of the eBook, the call to action. The formatting is a little messed up here, but you get idea. Keep in mind that there is nothing on this site that makes me any money at this point. These are links to other peoples things that I think could help my target market. Right now I'm just trying to provide value. The call to action is essentially "come back to my site". I need to get them to come first. The money part comes later.

Sidebar: I've also added a front and back cover to the booklet printout format to make it look more professional. I want this to be something I'm proud to put my name on after all.

<---- start of excerpt from eBook ---->
Staying on Top
Building on the Fundamentals

Now you understand the fundamentals of why business is organized the way it is. At this point you are probably thinking that this is all very elementary, and you’re right. It is very basic. It is also so fundamental that you can’t excel as a manager or business leader without it.

Addition and subtraction are very basic concepts. If you try to learn calculus without knowing how to add and subtract you are in for a very rough time. The only difference with learning how to run a business or manage a department is that we are very often not taught the fundamentals before taking on management and leadership roles. The problem compounds itself when the same people who were never taught the fundamentals of business go on to lead and train new managers. Large companies often end up with whole layers of middle management who don’t really understand what it’s all about. They run around doing what they’ve been directed to do without ever taking the time to understand why. You already have a leg up on many of them because you have taken the first step to understanding the “why” and not just the "how”.
So how do you turn this into something that makes a visible, practical difference in your life? You choose to continue to learn. At this point you can do one of two things.

Option 1: You can file this away as something learned and go back to your daily routine. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this if you are happy with where you are.

Option 2: You can look for ways to continue to learn including books, courses, seminars, mentors, and personal experience. Your choice of how to learn depends on how you like to learn and how much time you can dedicate to the task.

Take the initiative. Expand your mind. Expand your opportunities.

Continuing Education Options from Boundless Thinking

Boundless Thinking is dedicated to providing business learning materials for Engineers. Here’s a sample of what you can find at


  • Tips and articles on business topics for Engineers (Eg. Business Basics, Financial Statements, Leadership Tactics, Time Management)
Free Boundless Thinking Business 101 newsletter: a combination of training material and news


  • eBooks

  • Physical Books


  • Links to on-line courses specific to business training

  • Links to college and university programs

Visit and continue your education at your own pace.

<--- end of exerpt from eBook --->

You can get the whole thing from here if you like

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

How to Give Away an eBook

I have a short eBook now that I am giving away called Business 101 for Engineers. Here are the important points on how I've got it set up:

1. the eBook is free. It is the first proof of value.

2. the eBook is essentially the first 5 articles in my blog (Business 101 for Engineers Blog). If you remember, this was the plan when I started writing the blog.

3. I will be shortly revising the eBook to have a call to action at the end (first it will be to sign up to my newletter to learn more. I can change this to order my next book, or course once I have that stuff ready). The sign up call to action will always direct people to my main page so that when I add new offers they will see them, even if they weren't there when they got the eBook.

4. you can order the book from my main page ( under the Books link. If you go this route you get a very short and to the point order form since you have already clicked on a "Free Download" button to get to the order form.

5. The main page website has been cleaned up with the sole purpose of making it possible for people to actually order something on-line. At this point there is nothing up here that I make money on, but the basic structure is there in the books section now. Overall, what I do now is recommend some books that have helped me, and point people directly to some place they can buy it. I also removed any placeholders that are not ready for action yet so that everything on the page works.

6. the eBook has its own domain and landing page. The domain name is the title ( If you go here you get a longer sales letter explaining the benefits you can get from reading this book. This cost me $10.

7. On the long copy sales letter there are multiple calls to action ("Get it now" links) that all jump to the order form at the bottom. You should have 5 to 7.

8. The long copy page has only one purpose, to get people to download the eBook. There are no links or references to anything else. After they download the book I can distract them with other stuff. Sales copy must have a single clear purpose and focus. There are only 2 choices given: get the eBook, don't get the eBook. Don't muddy the waters.

9. Since I don't have any testimonials yet I decided to have some fun with that in the mean time. Take a look and you'll see what I mean. I'm not really sure if this is a good idea or not.

It occurs to me that maybe I should explain the 3 types of web pages: Branding Page, Sales Page, Contact Gathering Page. I'll try to make that my next topic as its rather important.

That's it for today

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

First 5 Articles Done - now what?

Ok, I finally completed my 5th article yesterday for Business 101 for Engineers (Basic Business Organization). I got so excited I put them all together into a little e-book. This needs some polish, but here it is. This is basically all 5 articles, plus a little teaser to watch for what's coming next (the real meat of the subject) . If you're interested you can get it here for free, no strings. Business 101 for Engineers Booklet Format (right click and save as)

(Its formatted to be printed and folded like a booklet. You need to ensure your printer is set to print on both sides, pages turning on the short edge of the paper. This is probalby a pain in the butt for some people, but that's how it is for the time being.)

I need to go back to my plan now and get on the next part. Let's see...
1. Create a Contact Gathering Web Page
2. Create a Sales Letter to sell this booklet (probably part of the sales letter)

Things are starting to come together.

Final note: I'm going to an internet leads generation seminar in Atlanta Apr 20-22. I want the skeleton done before this. My stretch goal is to make one sale on-line before I go to that seminar. Wish me luck.